The POWER of Self-Care

Personal Wellbeing

Mental health and wellbeing

The 5 ways to personal wellbeing will help improve your mental health.
-Take small steps. Pick one or two things that feel achievable at first.
-Give yourself time to figure out what works for you going at your own pace.
-Only try what feels comfortable.

Good sleep is vital to personal and mental wellbeing. Help by establishing a routine at night, avoid using screens, try to wind down, make your sleep environment comfortable. 

Spirituality is a feeling of connection with something greater than ourselves and search for meaning in life. Explore the positives of your belief on your mental wellbeing. 

Managing illness
Know how to look after yourself and loved ones during periods of illness. The Self Care Forum’s fact sheets may help. 

Weight awareness

Being underweight or overweight can affect your health. If your BMI is 25 or over, you can reduce your risk of developing serious diseases such as cancer and heart disease just by losing weight.

BMI ranges are slightly different for people from S. Asian, Chinese, African-Caribbean and Black African backgrounds. The NHS BMI calculator takes these issues into account.

  • BMI takes into account your weight and height
  • Be aware of your BMI, but don’t judge yourself or let others judge you
  • This information is for you to use to achieve the healthiest weight you feel you can start with something achievable. Even a 5% weight loss can have significant benefits
  • Go to the NHS website for a free BMI calculator and fill in your height and weight

The NHS Weight Loss Plan

Will help you to:
• set weight loss goals
• use the BMI calculator to customise your plan
• plan your meals
• make healthier food choices
• get more active and burn more calories
• record your activity and progress

Eating and diet

1.Base meals on 1/3 starchy carbohydrates e.g. potatoes, bread, rice, pasta – wholegrain if possible

2. At least 5 portions of fruit and vegetables every day

3. Eat some protein – beans, pulses, fish, eggs, meat including 2 portions of fish, one oily, every week

4. Dairy or alternatives (such as soy drinks); choose lower fat and lower sugar options

5. Unsaturated oils and spreads – small amounts

6. Drink 6-8 glasses of fluid a day

7. If having foods and drinks high in fat, salt or sugar eat in small amounts and less frequently

Maximum recommended daily calories: Females: 2,000, Males: 2,500

Risks and prevention

Help your heart and your health

Start exercising
This reduces the risks of: Diabetes, heart disease, falls, depression, joint and back pain, many cancers
Become Weight Aware
Increasing weight above a BMI of 25 increases your risks of:
Heart disease, Stroke, diabetes, many cancers, including breast cancer, bowel cancer and oesophageal  cancer
Stop smoking (there is no safe level)
Watch your alcohol intake
Men and women are advised not to drink more than 14 units a week on a regular basis
Check your Blood Pressure – Know your numbers!
The BHF says: “Unless your doctor says otherwise, blood pressure should be below 140/90”. 
Ask for your NHS health check if you are aged 40 to 75

We review our health information every two years and this information is due to be updated in October 2024.  Here are details about how we develop and review our self care aware fact sheets.